
Exercise 1. Поставьте приставки в указанных словах, чтобы получилось слово, противоположное по значению. 





















Exercise 2. Превратите значения прилагательных в противоположные с помощью отрицательных приставок. 

 A friendly look 

An interesting book

 A natural colour 

An important task 

A possible answer 

A personal letter

 A definite article

 A correct answer 

Direct speech 

A regular verb 

A responsible person 

Exercise 3. Превратите указанные прилагательные в слова с противоположным значением с помощью отрицательных приставок un- или in-

 happy, attentive, lucky, capable, comfortable, known, clean, necessary, dependent, expensive, pleasant, popular, real, human, definite, direct, convenient, countable, accurate, credible, secure 

Exercise 4. Замените фразы одним словом. 

Not necessary – 

Not safe — 

Not tidy— 

Not breakable —

Not regular — 

Not real — 

Not expensive — 

Not happy — 

Not possible — 

Not usual— 

Not comfortable — 

Not direct — 

Not interesting — 

Not patient — 

Not convenient — 

Not popular — 

Exercise 5.  Выберите подходящий префикс для образования противоположного значения прилагательных. 

1) He was short and overweight and generally fairly __attractive. a) dis-; b) im-; c) in-; d) un- . 

2) He’s a good teacher, but tends to be a bit __patient with slow learners. a) un-; b) in-; c) im-; d) dis- .

 3) It is an __logical statement, because if one part is true, then the other must be false. a) dis-; b) il-; c) in-; d) un- . 

4) It is __ polite to point at people. a) dis-; b) im-; c) in-; d) un- .

 5) My friend is very __responsible, he never does anything in time. a) dis-; b) ir-; c) in-; d) un- . 

6) He’s very __patient. He can’t work as a teacher. a) dis-; b) im-; c) in-; d) un- . 

7) He’s an __forgiving person. He never forgives people. a) dis-; b) ir-; c) in-; d) un-   

Exercise 1

  1. Dishonesty
  2. Uncertainty
  3. Insecurity
  4. Independence
  5. Unimportance
  6. Unemployment
  7. Disconnection
  8. Deactivation
  9. Disbelief
  10. Disability
  11. Unuseful
  12. Undoubtful
  13. Inexpensive
  14. Incorrect
  15. Unclean
  16. Uninteresting
  17. Unnatural
  18. Unhealthy
  19. Unimportant
  20. Impolite

 Exercise 2

  1. an unfriendly look
  2. an uninteresting book
  3. an unnatural colour
  4. an unimportant task
  5. an impossible answer
  6. an impersonal letter
  7. an indefinite article
  8. an incorrect answer
  9. indirect speech
  10. an irregular verb
  11. an irresponsible person

 Exercise 3

unhappy, unlucky, uncomfortable, unknown, unclean, unnecessary, unpleasant, unpopular, unreal, uncountable 

inattentive, incapable, independent, inexpensive, inhuman, indefinite, indirect, inconvenient, inaccurate, incredible, insecure 

Exercise 4

1 unnecessary, 

2 unsafe, 

3 untidy, 

4 unbreakable, 

5 irregular, 

6 unreal, 

7 inexpensive, 

8 unhappy, 

9 impossible, 

10 unusual, 

11 uncomfortable, 

12 indirect, 1

3 uninteresting, 

14 impatient, 

15 inconvenient, 

16 unpopular 

Exercise 6

1 d, 2 c, 3 b, 4 b, 5 b, 6 b, 7 d